There are various ways to join the DPRM celebration including the following:

  1.  Display the physical banner of DPRM 2022 in your office premises or the electronic banner on your official websites and social media pages. You may access the template at https://bit.ly/2022dprm and https://dprm.pids.gov.ph/resources/dprm-banner. The banner is available in several Philippine languages, and you may use the version that best suits your area’s language preference. You may also translate the slogan in your local dialect. For inquiries regarding the banner specifications, please get in touch with Ms. Rica Thea Ladaga at rladaga@pids.gov.ph

    In case you choose to print the banner for display in your offices, you are encouraged to use sustainable materials, which is in line with one of the subthemes of this year’s celebration.

  2.  Repost and share DPRM promotional videos, infographics, and related announcements on your respective website and social media pages. (Note: You may download these information materials from the DPRM website (https://dprm.pids.gov.ph) and PIDS social media pages (https://www.facebook.com/PIDS.PH/ and https://twitter.com/PIDS_PH).

  3.  Attend the virtual events in September, such as the kickoff press conference and the APPC webinar series. These events are open to the public and will be streamed live on the PIDS Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/PIDS.PH/). We will announce these events on our social media pages and provide the registration links.

  4.  Organize other activities—virtual or otherwise—relevant to the theme or policy research.

Let us know how you intend to join this year’s celebration. Feel free to send us details of your participation by emailing pids-inquiries@pids.gov.ph. You may also send us photos of your DPRM banner and events.